Baylife Christian Counseling for Teens
Panama CIty, Panama City Beach, and the Surrounding Areas
Growing up is difficult. Girls face challenges in our culture, families, school, and social lives. They have to figure out their identities, their beliefs about themselves, life, and God. Adolescents are moving toward becoming more independent and, therefore, are increasingly more responsible in guiding their own character and behavior.
Most teenagers encounter some stumbling blocks during this process. These can come in many forms: depression, anxiety, social insecurities, body image disturbance, and overwhelming and fluctuating emotions, to name a few. Some girls find the resources to figure it out and keep going. Others struggle and may be derailed from the normal trajectory of development and from establishing healthy identities and coping skills. Watching your child in distress is very difficult, but parents may find themselves either unable to help or that their help is unwelcome. Often assistance from an objective third party is met with greater acceptance.
Dr. Thomas works to alleviate teens' self-consciousness and self-doubt about needing help and to normalize the idea of counseling as a temporary collaboration to learn skills the girls can use now and also benefit from for a lifetime. She finds her adolescent clients to be both capable and courageous as they gain insight, successfully overcome obstacles, and get on with growing up healthy.
Parents are seen as potential resources, not as scapegoats. The age of the teen, the issues being addressed, and the severity of the symptoms, are all factors involved in determining whether and when the adolescent is seen individually, with one or both parents, or with the complete family. Dr. Thomas initially consults with the teen and the parents to determine the needs and desires of each and also addresses potential issues of confidentiality that can impact the counseling process.